In the prime location of Mumbai, Maharashtra, we, S M Semiconductors, are based and have made a strong impact in the market. Our foundation stone was laid by a group of dynamic professionals, who have always believed in serving the customers with utmost efficiency. The wide range of engineering solutions we deal in are of impeccable quality as we never dispatch even a single product without a thorough quality inspection. Our quality management team assures that the products are free of defects by examining it on a range of quality parameters.
Our Product Range
From the metropolitan city Mumbai, Maharashtra, India we, S M Semiconductors, conduct our business operations and are engaged in offering a range of products such as:
- Amplifier
IC Circuit
- Audio Greeting Card
- Ding
Dong Chip
- Door
Bell IC Crawling Microbug Robo Kits
- Elevator Lift Floor Announcement IC
- Elevator
Lift Related ICS
- Fire
Alarm Telecom Siren Greeting Card
- Hand
Held LCD Oscilloscope
- IC
Programming Board
- IR
Remote Transmitter IC
- Mantra
IC Mantra Cob
- Matra
and Shlok Cobs
- Music
On Hold Ic For EPABX & Telecom Market
- Musical
Doorbell IC
- Musical
Melody & Doorbell IC
- One
Time Programmable Voice IC
Speech Cob
Speech IC
Voice Cob
Voice Ic
- Programmable
Voice Cob
- Power LED IC
- Programmable
Voice IC'S
- Recordable
- Recordable
Voice IC
- Re-programable
Voice IC
- Re-recordable
Voice IC
- Shloka
IC Shloka Cob
- Simple
Melody Generator IC
- Speech
Ic Speech Cob
- Temperature
- Token
Display Voice Announcement IC
- Video Greeting Card
- Voice
IC With Build In MCU
Some More Details
Nature of Business
Trader and Supplier
Year of Establishment
No. of Employees
Warehousing Facility
Company Branches